About Our Pastor
Hi, my name is Dave and I am the pastor of Maryborough and Hervey Bay churches. I, along with my wife Beverley hail from the North East of England (yes, you may hear a slight Geordie accent, please don't hold that against me). We have two daughters Dawn, who is married to Shaune and have 5 children and Laura, who is married to Sam and who has 1 daughter.
I have a few passions, number one - My God, My Saviour! Second, my beloved Toon Army (Newcastle United Football Club), third 4x4ing!
My grandchildren keep me young and I love spending time camping and having quality one on one time with them.
I have a passion for ADRA and Youth Ministry, and have spent time working in those capacities over the years. I am excited to see what God has planned for our church family and my ministry here in Maryborough and Hervey Bay and know that through Him, all things are possible. Let's get started on moving mountains! May God bless all of us as we start this journey together.